Fulvic 400X

Super-concentrated fulvic acid & ionic trace minerals for cellular health, detox, and performance using Natural Bioenergetic Delivery™

Fulvic 400X Main Product Pic

Optimal well-being, energy, detoxification, metabolic and biological performance starts with healthy cells. Cellular health trickles up to tissues, organs, and finally to every system of your body.

Fulvic 400X supports every cell in the body, allowing every system to work better. Our Natural Bioenergetic Delivery™ system delivers the nutrition that your cells need, while naturally and efficiently detoxing what they don’t.

Plus, when you add Fulvic to your health protocol all your other supplements will work even better. Because you’ll be supporting everything at the base level… the cell.

It’s the one supplement everyone should take daily.

  • Supports cellular nutrient absorption, kickstarting vital metabolic processes
  • Provides up to 72 macro, micro, and trace minerals to be utilized as cells need them.
  • Supports natural cellular detoxification & safely removes heavy metals from cells and tissue.
  • Provides powerful antioxidant support, reducing advanced cellular aging and damage.
  • Excellent electrolyte support for keto and intermittent fasting.
  • Sourced and made in the USA in small batches from rich humates, NOT coal or shale, like others.

Fulvic 400X

Super-concentrated fulvic acid & ionic trace minerals for cellular health, detox, and performance using Natural Bioenergetic Delivery™

Optimal well-being, energy, detoxification, metabolic and biological performance starts with healthy cells. Cellular health trickles up to tissues, organs, and finally to every system of your body.

Fulvic 400X supports every cell in the body, allowing every system to work better. Our Natural Bioenergetic Delivery™ system delivers the nutrition that your cells need, while naturally and efficiently detoxing what they don’t.

  • Supports cellular nutrient absorption to kickstart metabolic processes
  • Provides up to 72 macro, micro, and trace minerals
  • Supports natural detoxification to remove heavy metals from cells
  • Provides powerful antioxidant support to reduce cellular aging
  • Excellent electrolyte support for keto and intermittent fasting.
  • Sourced & made in the USA in small batches from rich humates, not coal or shale.
Fulvic 400X Main Product Pic

Fulvic 400X

Super-concentrated fulvic acid & ionic trace minerals for cellular health, detox, and performance using Natural Bioenergetic Delivery™

Optimal well-being, energy, detoxification, metabolic and biological performance starts with healthy cells. Cellular health trickles up to tissues, organs, and finally to every system of your body.

Fulvic 400X supports every cell in the body, allowing every system to work better. Our Natural Bioenergetic Delivery™ system delivers the nutrition that your cells need, while naturally and efficiently detoxing what they don’t.

  • Supports cellular nutrient absorption to kickstart metabolic processes
  • Provides up to 72 macro, micro, and trace minerals
  • Supports natural detoxification to remove heavy metals from cells
  • Provides powerful antioxidant support to reduce cellular aging
  • Excellent electrolyte support for keto and intermittent fasting.
  • Sourced & made in the USA from rich humates, not coal or shale.
Fulvic 400X Main Product Pic

Fulvic 400X

Super-concentrated fulvic acid & ionic trace minerals for cellular health, detox, and performance using Natural Bioenergetic Delivery™

Optimal well-being, energy, detoxification, metabolic and biological performance starts with healthy cells. Cellular health trickles up to tissues, organs, and to every system of your body.

Fulvic 400X supports every cell in the body, allowing every system to work better. Our Natural Bioenergetic Delivery™ system delivers the nutrition that your cells need, while naturally and efficiently detoxing what they don’t.

  • Supports cellular nutrient absorption, kickstarting vital metabolic processes
  • Provides up to 72 macro, micro, and trace minerals to be utilized as cells need them.
  • Supports natural cellular detoxification & safely removes heavy metals from cells and tissue.
  • Provides powerful antioxidant support, reducing advanced cellular aging and damage.
  • Excellent electrolyte support for keto and intermittent fasting.
  • Sourced & made in the USA in small batches from rich humates, not coal or shale.
Fulvic 400X Main Product Pic

Choose the Option Thats Right for You


6 Bottles

Fulvic 400X 18-Month Supply

Regularly $307.68


Total: $246.12


60-DAY Money Back Guarantee

1 Bottle

Fulvic 400X 3 Month Supply


 No subscriber Savings

60-DAY Money Back Guarantee

3 Bottles

Fulvic 400X 9 Month Supply

Regularly $153.84


Total: $130.76


60-DAY Money Back Guarantee

Ideal Health Depends on Optimal Cellular Function

Health at the cellular level is crucial to your overall well-being. Cells carry out a wide range of functions in the body, including metabolic processes like:

  • Converting food into energy to run cellular function.
  • Creating fuel to power building blocks for proteins and more.
  • Eliminating waste.

Unfortunately, a lack of nutrients - along with excess toxins and stress - can harm the way that cells function.

You see, all cells have a barrier that surrounds them, called a membrane. The membrane is like a door with swinging hinges. Things can get in and things can get out.

This is good, since cells need nutrients and minerals to get in, so they can function to their fullest potential.

Healthy cells also produce waste that needs to be pushed out – just like exhaust is pushed out of the tailpipe of a car.

An electrical charge is what keeps this in-out-door swinging back and forth.

And it’s Fulvic that helps to keep that electrical charge in place.

Endocytosis and exocytosis through the cell membrane

But when your body lacks fulvic, cells lose their electrical charge, and that door can’t swing to get nutrients in and get waste out.

If too many cells have this problem, it can affect entire organs and even the whole body.

Cellular Health Depends on Nutrients & Minerals

America’s Nutrient Collapse


Information is based on a comparison of USDA nutrient analysis from 1963 to 2000

Sadly, today’s average American diet severely lacks the nutrients needed for optimal health.

That’s a serious problem, because these vitamins and minerals are critical to cellular function. They’re responsible for energy production, growth, healing, and proper utilization of nutrients in our body.

Studies from the University of Texas1 show that fruits and vegetables today have very little nutrition compared to those grown in past decades.

In fact, it’s estimated that you’d have to eat 26 apples today to get the same nutritional value of 1 apple grown in soil from 1950.

Each generation of over-sized, fast-growing, pest-resistant fruits and vegetables are becoming less and less “good for you.”

Even organic, non-GMO fruits, vegetables, and meat have the same problem.

Here’s why…

Sadly, today’s average American diet severely lacks the nutrients needed for optimal health.

That’s a serious problem, because these vitamins and minerals are critical to cellular function. They’re responsible for energy production, growth, healing, and proper utilization of nutrients in our body.

Studies from the University of Texas1 show that fruits and vegetables today have very little nutrition compared to those grown in past decades.

In fact, it’s estimated that you’d have to eat 26 apples today to get the same nutritional value of 1 apple grown in soil from 1950.

America’s Nutrient Collapse


Information is based on a comparison of USDA nutrient analysis from 1963 to 2000

Each generation of over-sized, fast-growing, pest-resistant fruits and vegetables are becoming less and less “good for you.”

Even organic, non-GMO fruits, vegetables, and meat have the same problem.

Here’s why…

Aggressive Farming Practices Strip Away Nutrients & Minerals from the Soil

You see, fruits and vegetables get their nutrients and minerals from the soil they’re grown in.

And just like the human body, soil has its own microbiome.

The soil microbiome breaks down composted plant materials, releasing humic & fulvic, which are absorbed along with all the minerals fulvic naturally carries into the fruits and vegetables we eat.2

Fruits and veggies need fulvic to transport minerals into the plant cells, where they’re stored and converted into vitamins.

So lower fulvic in the soil means the crops we rely on have become severely deficient in the minerals and vitamins we need.

But the problem isn’t just with fruits and veggies…


Even the beef, chicken, and other meats in our diet get their nutrients from the food those animals eat... and the food they eat is also grown in mineral-depleted soil.


To grow more food and cut costs, our agriculture industry has turned to aggressive farming practices.

And these practices  – in addition to herbicides, fertilizers, and pesticides – kill the microbiome of the soil. (This even includes the “approved” pesticides used in organic foods.)

When the microbiome of the soil is killed, it can’t produce important nutrients like fulvic . And without fulvic, minerals in the soil don’t make it into the food we eat.

Our crops become mineral deficient. And while farmers add fertilizers to make plants grow, no fertilizer contains all the minerals that plants need to produce nutrient-rich crops.

This is what’s missing from the soil due to aggressive farming practices.

The fulvic and minerals aren’t being returned to the soil through natural composting, leaving the American diet deficient in the wide variety of minerals needed for optimal health.

Sadly, It’s Impossible to Try and Supplement Our Bodies with All These Minerals

The mineral wheel shows how minerals interact inside the body, and how they work with or against each other. And this complex chart actually simplifies the complexity of these interactions.

Because of the amount of minerals needed – and more importantly because of all the complex interactions they have with one another – it’s impossible to properly supplement our bodies with all these minerals.

Supplementing with individual minerals can even cause harm. The complex balance means that supplementing one or two minerals cane reduce the effectiveness or overstimulate other minerals. Over time, this can cause serious health issues.

Fortunately, fulvic takes the guesswork out of mineral supplementation.

It provides the minerals your body needs in the correct biological form and balance and helps to safely remove excess minerals.

Ag SilverAl AluminumAs ArsenicBe BerylliumCa CalciumCd CadmiumCu CopperCl ChlorineCo CobaltCr ChromiumF FluorineFe IronI IodineK PotassiumLi LithiumMg MagnesiumMn ManganeseMo MolybdnmN NitrogenNa SodiumP PhosphorusS SulfurSe SeleniumZn Zinc

Fulvic is just another example of the Power of Nature.

And speaking of power…

Cells Need “Battery Power” to Work Efficiently


Every cell in your body uses electrical energy to take in the nutrients required for the many biochemical processes that support your health.

But, just like a battery, the electrical energy in your cells can get low.

High stress and free radicals can lead to undernourished (or low-powered) cells. This results in reduced energy production – symptoms we recognize as fatigue.

In fact, one function of minerals is to recharge our cells’ “batteries”.

Without a proper energy charge, nutrients can’t get into our cells to support optimal health.

And if minerals can’t get into our cells, it’s like they never existed in the body at all.

Fortunately, highly energized fulvic molecules can supply electrons to depleted cells to recharge your cellular batteries.

This gives your cells all the energy they need to take in essential nutrients and flush out toxins and waste so it can be safely removed from the body.

Fulvic 400X ionic trace minerals also supply the body with essential elements and trace minerals required by cells for optimal function.

It takes the guesswork out of which minerals your body needs from one day to the next.

And fulvic-supplied electrons neutralize damaging free radicals, protecting your healthy cells and tissues.

The end result is simply improved health.


Now Optimal Cellular Health, Recovery, and Performance Can Be Yours with…

Fulvic 400X


Fulvic 400X may be the missing link standing between you and optimal health.

Our Natural Bioenergetic Delivery system delivers highly concentrated fulvic with superior ionic minerals directly to every single cell in your body.

This means improved cell health and cellular detoxification support, which helps to rebalance minerals and electrolytes in the body.

It’s like nature’s own hydration.

By delivering these and other nutrients directly to cells, many people experience an increase in athletic performance and energy once their body gets the fulvic it has been missing.

“This is the most important supplement that everyone should take daily”

– Dr. Stuart Hoover

You’ll Feel the Difference with Fulvic 400X


Mother Earth Labs’ Fulvic 400X packs a powerful 10% concentration – more that double that of other brands.

It also includes 72 macro, micro, and trace minerals, amino acids, and phytonutrients in amounts uniquely balanced for optimal health, recovery & performance.

Fulvic 400x is highly bioavailable and ideal for cellular support to aid in energizing cell membrane function – which provides minerals, electrolytes, and other nutrients directly to cells.

And it moves all the way through the cell and mitochondrial membrane. This means it improves cellular energy production, performance, and detoxification… including intracellular and heavy metals.

As you may recall, that two-way door with swinging hinges allows what the cell needs to get in and the waste to get out.

Keeping that door swinging is the key to optimal cellular health. So try Mother Earth Labs' Fulvic 400X risk-free today, and feel the difference.

It simply makes everything in the body work better and allows you to get the most out of every dietary supplement you’re already taking.

Get Fulvic 400X Now!


Pure Aqueous Extraction Sets Fulvic 400X Apart


Fulvic 400X is sourced and made in the USA in small batches, allowing strict quality standards of potency and purity.

We extract our Fulvic with loving care, using a Pure Aqueous Extraction process. This ensures that the delicate molecular structures are protected, and maintains the abundant mineral content in our Fulvic 400X.

Using only pure water extraction methods from the very start results in a higher concentrated solution, which means there are more Fulvic “soldiers” to fight the battle for health.

So you can count on receiving a professional strength, super-concentrated product guaranteed to be at least 10% actual fulvic acid, compared to less than 3% fulvic concentration from other brands.

Single-Sourced from the Richest Humate Deposit on Earth

We harvest raw humates to release humic & fulvic molecules from a pristine area of Northwest New Mexico known as the Fruitland Formation.

This incredibly vast and unique area was once a large Cretaceous estuary where fresh and saltwater met – ideal conditions for incredibly rich and abundant plant life and a multitude of different plant species.

This richness and diversity isn’t found at any other location on Earth.

The soils of the Fruitland Formation developed a rare and bountiful blend of phytonutrients and a full-spectrum mineral composition. Over time, these soils became the present-day nutrient-rich humate deposit unsurpassed by any other in the world.


While our competitors need to combine materials together from various sources, compromising the end result, our exceptional raw humate from the Fruitland Formation is so perfect for human health that it doesn’t require any additional materials.

Finally, each and every batch is third-party tested to ensure “biochemical redox antioxidant support” – a fancy term to describe the benchmark of highly energetic and oxygenated substances.

How Fulvic 400X Stacks Up

Mother Earth Labs Fulvic 400X Vital Earth Fulvic Concentrate Trace Minerals Ionic Fulvic Acid
Professional Strength
>10% Concentration
Servings per Bottle 120 20 59
Serving Size 1ml 3ml 1ml
Mg per serving 1000 18.75 250
60-Day Guarantee

What’s in Fulvic 400X?

The ingredients in fulvic 400X are pure and simple.

It contains a 10% concentration of fulvic acid solution, along with naturally-occurring fulvic ionic macro and micro trace minerals and elements.

It can’t get any simpler than that, because you can’t improve on mother nature.

This is simply one of the most important products anyone should take.


Committed To Helping You Achieve Better Health, Naturally

When our customers choose Mother Earth Labs, they know they can count on receiving fresh, high-quality supplements made from the finest all-natural and organic ingredients Earth has to offer. You can count on receiving products that are shipped almost as fast as they are made, delivering fresh, high-potency formulas.

Our customers particularly love that we seek out like-mind suppliers and growers who share our values of sustainability and traceability and take pride in producing pure, high-quality products.

Our nutritional health products are manufactured in an industry-leading facility that is at the forefront of technology. Our production and packaging facility uses climate-controlled clean rooms for manufacturing, blending, and packaging.

How to Use Fulvic 400X to Get the Best Results

Simply take 1 full dropper (1ml) with an 8oz glass of water each and every day for optimal results.

Some Customer Success Stories

I Take This Every Day

“I take this every day. It helps greatly with my energy and health.”

– Michael B.

This is Fantastic

“The fast and easy way to replace lost minerals from my workouts. It is a fantastic product”

– William R. 

A Game Changer

Fulvic Minerals were a game changer for me when other minerals did nothing

– Catherine

Get Fulvic 400X Now!


Fulvic 400x is so effective…

We Guarantee It Will Work or You Get Your Money Back…

Since Fulvic 400X is bio-available it will go to work fast. Over continued use, your body will get what it’s been missing for a long time. So you’ll feel the difference.

However, in the unlikely event you don’t feel a positive difference after taking Fulvic 400X, we refuse to keep even a penny of your money.

Just contact us within 60 days of your order and let us know how we could do better.

If you’re not completely satisfied – for any reason – we’ll refund 100% of what you paid, even the shipping cost. You don’t even need to return the empty bottle.

That’s how confident we are that Fulvic 400X is going to be for you. Try this powerful fulvic formula with the confidence that you’re supporting your body with the highest quality ingredients for metabolism, energy, electrolyte, recovery, performance support, and more

Debra A B.
I can really tell the difference in my body when I take this product to verses when I dont!
Laura Karvala
I can feel the difference if I miss a day. So glad my sisters acupuncturist recommended this to my family.
James C.
Trace minerals via a fulvic formula. We add just a little extra quality salt. Delicious
Have been using Fulvic since 2015
Sharon D.
My Number 1 supplement! This is how I discovered Cary Lyn and her story years ago when things were simple and I started out with "The Gift". But ... thankfully these formulas are still going strong. I don't know what I'd do without them... I've aged without the need for pharmaceuticals (my life's goal). Thank you Mother Earth!
Great product
Nicole F.
Love this product!!!
Rachel A.
Helps with my detox
Great product, recommended to me by my doctor.
Melissa G.
Ever since I've started adding these liquid minerals to my water daily (for over a month now), my nails have started to grow; which has never happend! My nails were so brittle and would break easily, but now my nails are strong & growing fast.
Ron S.
Excellent product, top quality!
Scott R.
Rumeal H.
Amazing product! I don’t feel the same without it.
Scott R.
The best Fulvic with the best source.
I believe I am feeling more energetic
Have used this product for many years and think highly of it.
I take humic and fulvic in the morning and Fulvic 400x in the afternoon. I feel good taking these products and feel they really help meet my needs for trace minerals!
Great product with quick delivery.
Rebeca Montealegre
Your products are great, your customer service is not, have called several times, my phone calls never get returned or acknowledged
Gets me going in the Morning
Jacqueline Gutierrez
I do a lot of detox in my virtual practice and this has been a great addition!
Michael B.
I take this everyday. It helps greatly with my energy and health.
I used to use the electrolyte brand Trace Minerals before, during and after workouts; air traveling; when I had migraines; after a night out; essentially, anytime I was feeling dehydrated or wanted to help prevent dehydration. I have found this fulvic acid product to be far superior. I feel more recovered and don’t get cramps like I used to even when I had used the trace minerals product. The taste is much more palatable - a light tangy flavor vs a sea water taste of Trace Minerals. The fulvic acid product is less messy and easier for travel, too. I noticed that I began to take less of the product after about a week of using it; from 4 droppers to one or two depending on my need. Also, I believe this helps to detoxify the body. The first time I took it (I know this is going to be gross to some) my urine immediately had that pungent smell that tells you toxins have been flushed out. If you have ever had a lymphatic massage, then you know what I’m talking about. 😝😅 My body has gotten so much better after taking the PH Balancer and this! 💕😃
Been taking this for 2 years now, it works...
Fulvic Minerals were a game changer for me when other minerals did nothing, So I did a video review! https://youtu.be/ru7zvUPJy-A
William R.
The Fulvic 400X is a fast and easy way to replace lost minerals from my workouts. It is a fantastic product.
Jonathon P.
"I have been using a number of Mother Earth Labs products for several months, and I feel the liquid Iodine and Fulvic acid 400X working to keep me healthy! My digestion has improved from the Fulvic acids ability to recharge my gut tissue. I live in the Colorado Rocky Mountains and I rode my bicycle up to 16miles round trip all year to work and back. The summers are hot with lots of thunderstorms and the winters can be mild to whiteout snowy conditions. I got sick 0(zero times)!!! Not even a sore throat. Before using the products I would get sick once or twice a year during the spring and fall times. Truly THANK YOU to Mother Earth Labs for your excellence in wholistic health products. I have my mother using the iodine and Ph Balancer. Her joints no longer ache like they were starting to daily. When she ran out the pain started reemerge, and went away again right after getting more of the Ph Balancer."
Judith D.
My husband and I have been taking Mother Earth's minerals for the past two years and we cannot go one (1) day without this portion product. It helps in many ways. My integrative doctor/MD highly endorsed this product and suggested that I take 2oz. twice a day. I'm about to place an order...we are at the bottom. Thanks Mother Earth.
Barbara H.
I have suffered from muscle pain and cramping for years. My doctor suggested I try the 400X Fulvic concentrate and it has changed my life. Much less pain and cramping is completely gone. I will use this product for the rest of my life
Teresa F.
I use Lugols Iodine and it has helped me tremendously, I don't get sinus infections anymore. I use OrganiEarth and I feel alert and it gives me energy. I also use Veggie Chocolate Protein and it has helped me with weight loss. No more bloating and it tastes amazing! The 400X rejuvenates me after my workout.
We love the Fulvic Liquid Minerals. Our Doctor suggested it to help heal from Lyme Disease.
John Notarianni
We have used Mother Earth Labs products for many years and are very pleased with the high quality and also health results we are getting. In particular we use the 400x Fulvic Liquid Minerals super concentrate by adding it to our reverse osmosis purified water.
I was introduce to the Fulvic Minerals by one of my students, immediately it started working. my ankle was swollen the pain stop and swelling went down... also I LOVE the energy I received and it seems like my awareness got sharpen if that make sense.. I love this product I recommend it to all my students as I teach my health class thank you Khannah
I’ve been using this product for the last two months I feel more energized and sleep better.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Fulvic 400X different?

Fulvic 400X, is super concentrated and guaranteed to contain at least 10% actual fulvic acid in a 100% fulvic acid solution. Compare to less than 3% from other brands.

Why do we need fulvic, why can’t I just eat fruits & vegetables?

Fulvic acid carries minerals from the soil into plants. When we eat plants (Fruits and vegetables), we receive fulvic and minerals.

In a perfect world, our crops would provide all the mineral nutrients we need. Unfortunately, today's agricultural methods utilize heavy amounts of pesticides and herbicides. These chemicals, whether natural or synthetic, seep into the soil and kill off the fulvic-making beneficial bacteria.

Worse, the lack of adequate crop rotation depletes mineral concentrations within the soil.

These two factors combined lead to nutrient-deficient foods.

This is further supported by USDA agricultural studies that have noted a significant decline in vitamin and mineral concentrations in our crops over the last 100 years.

Is this certified organic?

Fulvic and its naturally-occurring minerals, vitamins, and other elements are organic in nature and our raw materials are never exposed to harsh synthetic chemicals.

Unfortunately, the product cannot be certified organic by the USDA because minerals do not qualify as an organic output - meaning they can't be grown by a farmer. Apples, spinach, and potatoes are all examples of organic output. Fulvic, however, can be certified as an Organic Input by the USDA and is often used by Organic farmers. Our fulvic is certified as an agricultural-grade organic input.

Why is there no expiration date? How long is it good for?

Fulvic is unique in that it does not technically expire and will last for many years if stored properly - that is, in a cool, dark place such as a cabinet or pantry; Fulvic should never be boiled or frozen as this will damage the molecular structure. Due to the possibility of uncontrollable contaminates after opening (dust, hair/fur, etc), our Fulvic 400X has a Best By recommendation of 2 years from the MFD.

What if it doesn’t work for me?

Mother Earth Labs offers a 60-day satisfaction guarantee. If it doesn’t work for you, simply contact our customer service team and they will be happy to issue you a full refund.

How long will a bottle last me?

Fulvic 400X will last for 120 doses if taken as directed.

How much does shipping cost?

Retail orders have a flat rate option of $8.95 for addresses in the United States and $29.95 USD for addresses in Canada. If the cost of shipping is less than the flat rate fees, you will be given this option at checkout.

U.S. Shipping is FREE for orders over $90.

Do you ship internationally?

We do ship internationally, however, our website is unable to process these orders at this time. Please send a detailed email with your full order request and complete delivery address to [email protected].

Research Studies

  1. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/soil-depletion-and-nutrition-loss
  2. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41579-019-0265-7

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Individual results may vary. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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