With this knowledge, you can stop wasting money on supplements that don’t work and experience the natural energy you’ve been searching for.
Forms Of Vitamin B12
The most common form of B12 found in supplements, fortified foods, and prescription injections is cyanocobalamin.
Cyanocobalamin is a man-made, synthetic form of B12 not found in nature. It’s the combination of a cobalamin molecule with a cyanide molecule. The body must convert this unnatural form into a biologically active form. During this conversion process, the body detaches the cyanide molecule from cobalamin and replaces it with either a methyl or adenosyl group. As a toxic substance, the body must convert the remaining cyanide into thiocyanate before removing it. Thiocyanate is a known endocrine inhibitor that may block iodide accumulation in the thyroid gland. The conversion process, or methylation, uses existing resources within the body including ATP energy and may take up to 18 hours to complete.
Doctors often recommend this form for its high absorption rate and ability to convert into hydroxocobalamin. The body then converts hydroxocobalamin into both bioactive forms, methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin. However, as a water-soluble compound, cyanocobalamin’s long conversion process results in a rather large amount of waste before the body can convert it. As such, the average absorption rate of cyanocobalamin is only 20-50% according to the Scandinavian Journal of Haematology.
The second most common form of B12 found in supplements and prescribed injections is hydroxocobalamin.
While this is a natural form of B12 found in foods, it is not a bioactive coenzyme form. Therefore, it must be converted into either methylcobalamin or adenosylcobalamin just as cyanocobalamin does. The difference is that hydroxocobalamin is much more stable than its coenzyme counterparts and has a significantly higher retention rate. Thus, hydroxocobalamin has more time to complete the conversion process. This makes it a better option for individuals with certain MTHFR gene mutations that slow or prevent the conversion process.
Interestingly, hydroxocobalamin is the go-to treatment for cyanide poisoning because it bonds easily with cyanide and shuttles it to our kidneys for removal.
Today, an estimated 45-50% of the American population has an MTHFR genetic mutation that inhibits or significantly reduces the conversion of synthetic and biologically inactive B12 forms into their bioactive, coenzyme counterparts.
The only vitamin B12 supplements worth the money are the bioactive coenzymes forms: METHYLCOBALAMIN and ADENOSYLCOBALAMIN. Both entirely bypass methylation pathways allowing them to go to work right away despite MTHFR genetic mutations. Essential to improving and maintaining good health, these 2 forms offer very different benefits.
Methylcobalamin is the hot name in the supplement industry because this form completely bypasses the methylation cycle. Arguably, this coenzyme has two main roles in the body: the conversion of homocysteine into methionine and the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM/SAMe).
Homocysteine is a natural byproduct of protein breakdown. It is associated with arterial plaque formation, reduced nitric oxide (vasodilator) production, increased risk of clot formation, and the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
The liver makes S-adenosylmethionine (SAM/SAMe) from methionine. SAMe may be the most important methyl donor in the body contributing to more than 100 biochemical reactions. Most notably, SAMe encourages anti-inflammatory activity, the metabolism and synthesis of DNA and RNA, phospholipids, certain hormones, and melatonin (to name a few). Additionally, health professionals often use SAMe in the treatment of chronic liver disease.
Adenosylcobalamin is the least common form of B12 found in supplements. In fact, less than 1% of supplements provide this essential coenzyme form despite this being the only form to work specifically in cellular mitochondria where energy is produced.
The Krebs Cycle (also known as the Citric Acid Cycle) takes place within cellular mitochondria and is the process by which our body converts food into ATP energy. However, this cycle depends on adenosylcobalamin and without it leads to chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, and poor metabolism.
During the Krebs Cycle, methylmalonic acid (MMA) converts into succinyl coenzyme A via adenosylcobalamin. However, when there is a deficiency, MMA levels rise and begin interfering with normal fatty acid production. Our bodies use these fatty acids to create and maintain the protective layers that surround nerve cells. With weakened or damaged myelin sheaths, nerve cells may become damaged reducing the effectiveness of electrical impulses. Common symptoms of myelin sheath and nerve damage include numbness and tingling, muscle weakness, tremors, mood disturbances, and mental fog.
So, do B12 supplements really boost energy levels?
With the correct forms, B12 helps boost energy and encourages healthy metabolism even in individuals with MTHFR gene mutations. This is especially true when combined with a full synergistic complex of biologically active B vitamins and mineral cofactors.
The importance of supplementing with the right, cell-ready vitamin forms is so substantial that we had to create a product unlike any other.
With our Super-Potency B-Complex, you can win each day whether you’re a weekday warrior, athlete, or busy parent. It’s a difference you will feel from the very first dose and get others asking “What are YOU taking?!”